Configuration Guide 125
::= (BNF notation)
in SQL statements xiv
, (comma)
in SQL statements xiv
{} (curly braces)
in SQL statements xiv
() (parentheses)
in SQL statements xiv
[ ] (square brackets)
in SQL statements xiv
accented letters 13, 91
Adaptive Server
character set, changing 83
character sets 89
client communications with 49
conversions between, and clients 89
customizing features 47
database device requirements 9
default character set 83
default configuration 47, 48
default sort order 83
error log path 106
language, changing 83
naming in interfaces file 56
shutting down 24
sort order 83
starting from UNIX command line 18
starting with operating system 20
start-up script 22
adding a server, LDAP 76
address component in interfaces files
TCP protocol entry 57
operating system 3
Sybase system 3
API component in interfaces file
described 56
Arabic character sets 85
asynchronous I/O (AIO)
enabling 38, 39, 40
HP driver 38, 39
audit system 113
audit trail
overview 113
system audit tables 114
database for 114
device for 114
global options 114
installing using the auditinit utility 114
installing using the installsecurity script 114
process 114
recommended database device size 9
tables for tracking 114
auditinit utility 7
Backup Server
character sets 89, 99
configuring 94, 97
default configuration 48
starting from UNIX command line 18
starting with operating system 20
Backup Server, default, for Adaptive Server 48
Backus Naur Form (BNF) notation xiii, xiv
binary sort order 91
BNF notation in SQL statements xiii, xiv
Bourne shell 29
brackets. See square brackets [ ]
buffer specifications 15