CHAPTER 3 Configuring the Operating System
Configuration Guide 41
Adjusting the client connection timeout period
Adaptive Server uses the KEEPALIVE option of the TCP/IP protocol to detect
clients that are no longer active. When a connection to a client is inactive for a
period of time (the timeout period), the operating system sends
packets at regular intervals. If it does not receive a response from the client
machine for any of these packets, the operating system notifies Adaptive
Server that the client is no longer responding. Adaptive Server then terminates
the client’s connection.
KEEPALIVE default timeout period is 2 hours (7,200,000 ms). To display
the current time value, use the command for your platform as shown in the
following sections.
To display the current timeout period, enter:
/usr/contrib/bin/nettune -l
Note The switch is a lowercase “L”, not the number one (1).
tcp_keepstart parameter specifies the length of time (measured in seconds)
to keep an idle connection active before the system checks to see if the
connection died.
To change the timeout period, use the
nettune -s command.
For IBM RS/6000
To display the current timeout value, enter:
/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_keepidle
The tcp_keepidle parameter specifies the length of time (measured in half
seconds) to keep an idle connection active before the system checks to see if
the connection died. The default is 14,400 half seconds (7200 seconds, or 2
IBM recommends a value of at least 15 minutes.