Configuration Guide vii
About This Book
This manual, the Configuration Guide, provides instructions for
performing specific configuration tasks for Sybase® Adaptive Server®
Enterprise on UNIX platforms.
The operating system release levels for the UNIX platforms on which
Adaptive Server is certified to execute is in the installation documentation
or release bulletin for your platform.
This manual covers the following topics:
• Instructions for reconfiguring certain attributes of your existing
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise, Backup Server™, Adaptive
Server Enterprise Monitor™, and XP Server™ to meet your specific
• Creating network connections.
• Configuring optional functionality.
• Performing operating system administration tasks.
• Working with system administration issues that are relevant to
Adaptive Server running on UNIX platforms. This manual
supplements the System Administration Guide and the Performance
and Tuning Guide.
Note Before configuring Adaptive Server according to the instructions in
this book, you should have a newly installed or upgraded Adaptive Server
on your system. If you do not, follow the installation and upgrade
instructions in the installation documentation for your platform.
This manual is for System Administrators or other qualified installers who
are familiar with their system’s environment, networks, disk resources,
and media devices.
How to use this book
This manual contains the following chapters:
• Chapter 1, “Introduction” is an overview of Adaptive Server and the
configuration changes you might want to make to Adaptive Server
after installing or upgrading the server.