4.4.6 Local
"Local" displays the Local Variable Window.
■ Local Variable Window
The Local Variable Window displays, in tree format, the local variables of the function where the current
instruction pointer exists using the function name as the root. The displayed variables cannot be added nor
can the displayed variables be canceled.
The variable values modified as a result of program execution are updated automatically. For this reason,
the user can observe how variable values change as a result of program execution.
Variable values can be also modified to continue debugging.
■ Setting Radix
The Radix when a variable value is displayed can be set for each variable using the following procedure:
1. Click the right mouse button in the line containing the variable of the base number to be modified.
The shortcut menu is displayed.
2. Move the mouse cursor to [Base Number].
The list showing selectable base numbers is displayed in the submenu.
3. Select the base number to modify from the list.
■ Modifying a variable value
The variable value can be modified by the following procedure:
1. Click the right mouse button in the line containing the variable to be modified.
The shortcut menu is displayed.
2. Select [Edit] from the shortcut menu.
The variable edit dialog shown in Figure 4.4-13 opens.
3. Set a variable value, then click the [OK] button.
Figure 4.4-13 Variable Edit Dialog