
Syntax modification procedure
Modify a set syntax in the following procedure:
1. Select [Error...] from the [Set] Menu.
The error jump setup dialog box shown in Figure 4.7-31 opens.
2. Select the syntax to modified from the syntax list.
The syntax and comment are displayed in the associated fields.
3. Modify the syntax and comment, then click the [Set] button.
The modified syntax and comment are newly set.
4. Delete an unnecessary syntax (syntax used before modification).
Analysis order change and application ON/OFF
-Analysis order change
Error messages are analyzed from the patterns registered in the upper part of the syntax list. To assure
correct analysis, the analysis order may have to be changed. The analysis order can be changed in the
following procedure:
1.Select [Error...] from the [Set] Menu.
The error jump setup dialog box shown in Figure 4.7-31 opens.
2.Select the syntax whose order is to be changed from the syntax list.
3.Click the [UP] or [Down] button to move the cursor to the position where error jump is to be set.
-Application ON/OFF
When the check mark to the left of [Apply] is not set, error messages are not analyzed according to the
registered syntax.
When a check mark is set to the left of [Apply], ON is displayed in the syntax list. When a check mark is
not set, OFF is displayed in the syntax list.
Example of error jump setup
When the error format is [error-message: line-number file-name]
Syntax : %* : %1 %f
Comment : sample
The syntax for which SYSTEM is displayed in the syntax list cannot be deleted.