
CHAPTER 3 Windows
3.15.2 Logging
This section explains SOFTUNE WORKBENCH logging.
To record a command execution log in the Command Window in a file is called logging. To control
logging, click the right button of the mouse in the Command Window to display the shortcut menu, then
select [Logging].
Selecting [Logging] from the shortcut menu displays the following submenus:
- Start
- State
- Exit
- Start
1. Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu.
2. Select [Start] from the shortcut menu.
The file dialog box for selecting a logging file opens.
3. Specify a logging file name, then click the [Save] button.
- State
1. Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu.
2. Select [State] from the shortcut menu.
The logging state display dialog box shown in Figure 3.15-5 opens.
3. If necessary, change the state and output message control.
4. Click the [OK] button.
- Exit
1. Click the right button of the mouse to display the shortcut menu.
2. Select [Exit] from the shortcut menu.
Figure 3.15-5 Logging State Display Dialog Box