4.6.7 Stack
This section explains a SOFTUNE WORKBENCH call stack.
■ Call stack
Usually, a program is a set of several subroutines. For this reason, as debugging advances, function calls of
several stages occur. For example, one routine calls another and the called routine calls further another.
The call stack retains the relationship among function calls. Clicking a function name from the function
name list immediately displays information for the function in the Source Window.
Figure 4.6-12 Call Stack Dialog Box
The function written in the lowermost line of the function name list is the main function. This main
function calls the function above it. The called function calls further a function above it. In this way, the
function written in the uppermost line is the function in which the current PC exists.
When return is executed, functions are deleted in turn from the function name list, starting from the
uppermost line.
-Argument Display
When a check mark is set to the left of Argument Display, an argument value is displayed after each
function name, as shown in Figure 4.6-12 .
When no check mark is set to the left of Argument Display, only parentheses "( )" are displayed after
each function name.