
Symbol : The symbol given to that address is displayed.
- [Setting] button,
These buttons are used to set a breakpoint at the specified address. When an address that has been
already set in the breakpoint list is specified, the set data of the breakpoint at this address is changed.
- [Enable] button
This button is used to enable the breakpoints in the breakpoint list currently being selected.
- [Disable] button
This button is used to disable the breakpoints in the breakpoint list currently being selected. The
breakpoints are simply disabled; that is, the setting itself of the breakpoints is not cancelled.
- [Delete] button
This button is used to delete the setting of the breakpoints in the breakpoint list currently being
- [Delete All] button
This button is used to delete the setting of all the breakpoints in the breakpoint list.
Setting and resetting a breakpoint
In the Source or Assembly Window, a breakpoint can be easily set at the address indicated by the cursor.
The breakpoint set at the address indicated by the cursor can be also reset easily. Set and reset this
breakpoint as follows:
-Select [Breakpoint Set/Reset] from the [Debug] Menu.
The breakpoint is alternately set and reset each time [Breakpoint Set/Reset] is selected.
-Click the left button of the mouse in the breakpoint display field of each window.
The breakpoint is alternately set and reset each time the left button is clicked.