
iRMC S2/S3 279
User Management
Test LDAP Access
Checks the access data to the LDAP directory server and shows the
LDAP status as the result (see figure 161).
I This test only checks the basic access data (“Is the LDAP
server present?”, “Is the user configured?”), but does not fully
authenticate the user.
Figure 161: Microsoft Active Directory: Status of the connection to the LDAP
Ê Click Reset LDAP Status to reset the status display.
Ê Click Apply to activate your settings.
Ê Configure the settings for global email alerting in the Directory Service Email
Alert Configuration group.
Figure 162: Directory Service Email Alert Configuration
LDAP Email Alert Enable
Enables global email alerting.
LDAP Alert Table Refresh [Hours]
Defines the interval at which the email table is regularly updated (see
the "User Management in ServerView" manual).
I It is strongly recommended that you specify a value >0. A
value of “0” means that the table is not updated regularly.
Ê Click Apply to activate your settings.