iRMC S2/S3 415
Configuring the iRMC S2/S3 via SCCI and scripted configuration
Parameters of SCCI provider-specific commands
The following SCCI-provider-specific commands are available:
Operation Code (OC)
Hex value or string specifying the command / operation code.
I The iRMC S2/S3 only supports a limited set of SCCI commands.
For a list of supported commands see table "SCCI commands
supported by the iRMC S2/S3" on page 420
Operation Code Extension (OE)
Hex value for extended operation code. Default: OE=0
For ConfigSpace Read-/Write operations, this value defines the
ConfigSpace ID.
Object Index (OI)
Hex value selecting an instance of an object. Default:OI=0"
Operation Code Type (Type)
For configuration settings, the values GET (read operation) and SET (write
operation) are supported. Default: Type=GET
I SET operations require data. For specifying the appropriate data
type, use the Data (DATA) parameter described below.
Cabinet Identifier (CA)
Allows you to select an extension cabinet and use its cabinet ID number.
I Do not use this parameter to request for the system cabinet!
Data (DATA)
If a SET parameter (write operation) is specified: Data type (Type
parameter), and, in some cases, data length (LEN parameter) are
Currently, the following data types are supported:
– xsd::integer
Integer value
<DATA Type="xsd::integer">1234</DATA>