iRMC S2/S3 91
Using AVR
5.2.4 Redirecting the keyboard
Keyboard redirection only works when the focus is on the AVR window.
Ê If keyboard redirection appears not to be working, simply click on the AVR
Ê If the keyboard does not respond, check that the AVR window is not in view-
only mode. How to switch to full-control mode is described on page 103.
Special key combinations
AVR passes all normal key combinations to the server. Special keys such as
Windows keys are not sent. Some special key combinations suchas [ALT] +
[F4] cannot be sent, because they are interrupted by the client’s operating
system. In such cases, you should use the integrated special keys or the virtual
Integrated special keys
Below the menu bar of the AVR window, you will find a bar containing the special
keys. These keys are implemented as “sticky keys”, i.e. they remain pressed
when you click them and only return to their normal position when you click them
Using the integrated special keys, you can, for instance, use Windows keys or
special key combinations which are not sent by AVR if you press them on your
own keyboard.
Figure 30: AVR window - integrated special keys
[Mouse Sync]
Press this key to synchronize the mouse pointers (see also section
"Synchronizing the mouse pointer" on page 93).
Left CTRL key (corresponds to the [Ctrl] key on your keyboard).
Alt(ernate) key (corresponds to the [Alt] key on your keyboard).