iRMC S2/S3 329
Main menu of the Remote Manager
Service Processor... Configure the iRMC S2/S3iRMC
S2/S3 (e.g. update firmware or
change IP address)
(see section "Service processor - IP
parameters, identification LED and
iRMC S2/S3 reset" on page 339).
Change password Change the password
(see section "Change the password"
on page 332).
Console Redirection (EMS/SAC) Text console redirection
(see section "Console Redirection
(EMS/SAC) - Start text console
redirection" on page 340).
Start a Command Line shell... Start a command line shell
(see section "Start a Command Line
shell... - Start a SMASH CLP shell" on
page 340).
Console Logging Redirect output of messages to the
text console
(see section "Console Logging -
Redirect message output to the text
console (serial)" on page 341).
Table 8: Main menu of the Remote Manager