406 iRMC S2/S3
IPMI OEM Commands supported by the iRMC S2/S3
F5 43 - Get SEL entry long text
This command translates a given SEL entry into long text.
Request Data - B8 NetFn|LUN: OEM/Group
- F5 Cmd : Command Group iRMC
1:3 80 28 00 IANA-Enterprise-Number FTS, LS Byte first
4 43 Command Specifier
5:6 Record ID of SEL record, LS Byte first
0x0000: get first record
0xFFFF: get last record
7 Offset in response SEL text
8 MaxResponseDataSize size of Converted SEL data
(16:n) in response
Response Data - BC
- F5
1 Completion Code:
2:4 80 28 00 IANA-Enterprise-Number FTS, LS Byte first
5:6 Next Record ID
7:8 Actual Record ID
9 Record type
10:13 Timestamp
14 Severity: Bit 7: 0 = No CSS component
1 = CSS component
Bit 6-4: 000 = INFORMATIONAL
001 = MINOR
010 = MAJOR
1xx = Unknown’
Bit 3-0: reserved, read as 0000
15 Data length of the whole text
16:n Converted SEL data requested part
(n = 16 + MaxResponseDataSize - 1)
n + 1 String Terminator trailing '\0' character