7.13 NAV Option Menu
The various features for the NAV mode are set up from the [NAV Option] menu. To
open the [NAV Option] menu, select [NAV Option] from the [Installation Menu] win-
Item Description Settings
[NAV Mode] Your vessel may go off course when navigating between
waypoints in the NAV mode. This can happen when, for
example, a command is received from a remote control-
ler. To get you back on course, three methods are avail-
able [Course], [XTE (Precision)] and [XTE (Economy)].
For [Course], the NAVpilot calculates a new course
based on your new position after dodging, etc. that takes
you directly to your destination waypoint. [XTE (Preci-
sion)] and [XTE (Economy)] both use the XTE (cross-
track error) value to steer the boat towards your original
course before dodging. [XTE (Precision)] provides for
more precise steering than [XTE (Economy)].
Note: [Course] is not shown in case of Fantum Feed-
[XTE (Precision)]
[XTE (Economy)]
[NAV Data
Select the source of nav data to use in the NAV mode.
For how to select the source, see section 7.13.1.
When you arrive at a waypoint on a route in the NAV
mode, your can switch to the next waypoint automatically
or manually.
The [Auto] setting will automatically switch to the next
destination waypoint when your boat is within the arrival
alarm area (set on the chart plotter).
The [Manual] setting requires operator confirmation
(pushing the knob) before switching to the next waypoint.
[After Arrival] Set how the boat is to be steered after arriving at the last
waypoint in a route, in the NAV mode. This function is not
available when boat type is selected as sail boat.
Note: For Fantum Feedback
, only the items [Go
Straight] and [Orbit to STBD] are available.
[Go Straight]
[Orbit to PORT]
[Orbit to STBD]
[Figure Eight to PORT]
[Figure Eight to STBD,]
[Square PORT]
[Square STBD]
[NavNet2] The NAVpilot can automatically go to the NAV mode
when it receives a P sentence (FURUNO proprietary)
from a NavNet vx2 equipment. You can turn this feature
on or off. This feature is disabled in the FishHunter
NAV Mode: XTE (Economy)
NAV Data Source
Waypoint Switching: Auto
After Arrival: Go Straight
NavNet2: ON
NAV Option