
3.12 Wind Alarms (for sailboats)
The Wind alarm, which is an alarm exclusively for sailboats, has four conditions which
generate both audio and visual alarms: heading change, wind deviation, true wind
speed and apparent wind speed.
To access the [Wind Alarm] menu, do the following:
1. Long press the key to open the menu.
2. Rotate the Course control knob to select [Other Menu] then push the knob.
3. Rotate the Course control knob to select [Alarm] then push the knob.
4. Rotate the Course control knob to select [Wind Alarm] then push the knob.
The [Wind Alarm] appears on the display.
3.12.1 Heading change alarm
The heading change alarm sounds when own boat's heading changes remarkably by
the effects of true wind angle. Set the heading value and alarm range as shown in the
procedure which follows.
1. Open the [Wind Alarm] menu.
2. Rotate the Course control knob to select the current setting for [Heading Change
Alarm] then push the knob.
3. Rotate the Course control knob to select [ON] then push the knob.
The line below [Heading Change Alarm] shows two values ([HDG] and [Bnd]).
4. Rotate the Course control knob to select the current setting value for [HDG] then
push the knob.
5. Rotate the Course control knob to set a value then push the knob.
6. Rotate the Course control knob to select the current setting value for [Bnd] then
push the knob.
7. Rotate the Course control knob to set a value then push the knob.
8. Press the key four times to close the menu.
Wind Alarm
Heading Change Alarm: OFF
Wind Deviation Alarm: 45°
True Wind Spd Alarm: OFF
App. Wind Spd Alarm: OFF
Heading value set (HDG)
Range setting (Bnd)
Range where the alarm occurs