7.15 Wind Option Menu
You can set the parameters for the WIND mode on the [Wind Option] menu. To open
the [Wind Option] menu, select [Wind Option] from the [Installation Menu] window.
Item Description Settings
[Mode Type] There are two wind angle modes: AWA (Appar-
ent Wind Angle) and TWA (True Wind Angle).
[AWA]: The direction (in relation to ship’s bow)
of the wind as it appears on board your boat, de-
tected by the wind sensor. AWA mode requires
wind angle and speed data. Use this mode
when the wind is stable.
[TWA]: The actual wind direction, which is a
combination of the apparent wind and your
boat’s movement. This mode requires apparent
wind angle, apparent wind speed, your boat’s
speed and heading. Use this mode when there
is an unstable downwind.
[Wind Tack Rud Angle] The tacking in the WIND mode requires the set-
ting of maximum rudder angle. If you need to
change the value, do it here.
10° - 45°
[Wind Damping] You can set the damping interval for wind data
to compensate for random fluctuation in wind
data. The higher the setting the more “smooth“
the data. However a high damping interval
causes delay in receiving wind data, the amount
of delay equivalent to the damping interval.
Turn off wind damping if the wind data is re-
ceived stably. This option is effective for port
and starboard wind angles of 55° or higher and
[Mode Type] is selected to [AWA].
[ON] (0.7 - 99.9)
[Fixed Tack Angle] The fixed tacking mode requires the setting of
tacking angle.
15° - 179°
[Rate of Slow Tack] Set the rate of slow tack. 1° - 10°/s
[Rate of Fast Tack] Set the rate of fast tack. 1° - 30°/s
[Tack Timer] Set the amount of time wait before starting a
turn, after pushing the knob.
[ON] (1 - 99 (sec))
Wind Option
Mode Type: AWA
Wind Tack Rud Angle: 35
Wind Damping: OFF
Fixed Tack Angle: 20
Rate of Slow Tack: 3°/s
Rate of Fast Tack: 20
Tack Timer: OFF