1201 Communication error No communication between processor
unit and control unit. Turn off power.
1203 FU remote controller error Check remote controller.
1301 Missing heading data Check heading sensor.
1303 Heading data is shifted. Heading data has changed abruptly.
Check heading sensor.
1305 No speed data. Please check
speed source or enter manual
speed value in Parameter Setup.
Check the speed source or enter the
speed manually.
1307 No wind data Check wind sensor.
1309 Wind data is shifted. Wind data has changed abruptly. Check
wind sensor.
1311 No NAV data. Wait for 1 sec-
Check nav data sensor.
1315 Degradation of NAV data quality. Check nav data sensor.
1317 No position data Check position-fixing equipment.
1801 EVC Interface error Communication error between the pro-
cessor unit and IPS interface unit. Check
the connection between the processor
unit and IPS interface unit.
1803 No contact with EVC. Communication error between the VOL-
VO IPS gateway and IPS interface unit.
Check the connection between VOLVO
IPS gateway and IPS interface unit. Also
check the connection between the VOL-
VO IPS gateway and EVC system.
1901 Rate sensor error Check rate sensor.
1903 Backup error All user and engineer default settings are
restored. Reenter installation settings.
0001 Drive unit error. Please turn OFF
and check drive circuit.
Turn off power
0003 Drive unit overloaded. Please
turn OFF and check drive circuit.
Turn off power.
0005 Drive unit is overheated. Please
turn OFF and check drive circuit.
Temperature of drive circuit is higher than
80°C (176°F). Turn off power.
0007 Bypass/clutch drive error. Please
turn OFF and check drive circuit.
Bypass/clutch error. Turn off power.
0009 Bypass/clutch is overloaded.
Please turn OFF and check drive
Bypass/clutch overload. Turn off power.
Error message Meaning, remedy