
4.3 Net Towing
When a boat is towing fishing gear its stern is "dragged" by the net. This causes the
boat to stray from its intended course. To keep the boat on course, you need to adjust
the trim manually, which can be bothersome. If you do not want to be bothered with
trim adjustments, you can enable the automatic towing function to have the trim auto-
matically adjusted. This feature is useful for trawlers and purse seiners.
This feature can be assigned to a switch box connected to the GENERAL IN port. For
details, see section 7.8.
Note 1: This feature is not available with a sailboat or Fantum Feedback
Note 2: Keep the boat on a straight course before enabling the automatic towing func-
1. Long press the key to open the menu.
2. Rotate the Course control knob to select the current setting for [Net Towing AU-
TO] then push the knob.
[Net Towing AUTO] is also appeared on the [AUTO Option] menu.
Note: When [In Port1] or [In Port2] is set for [Net Towing AUTO], [Net Towing AU-
TO] on the menu is inoperative.
3. Rotate the Course control knob to select [OFF] or [ON] then push the knob.
4. Push the key to close the menu.