{} The contents are required in syntax. If the contents are a list
separated by |, you must choose one of the items.
... The previous element can be repeated an arbitrary number of
Indicates the continuation of a code example.
| Separates items in a list of choices.
WARNING A warning calls attention to important information that if not
understood or followed will result in personal injury or
nonrecoverable system problems.
CAUTION A caution calls attention to important information that if not
understood or followed will result in data loss, data corruption,
or damage to hardware or software.
IMPORTANT This alert provides essential information to explain a concept or
to complete a task.
NOTE A note contains additional information to emphasize or
supplement important points of the main text.
Related Information
This document contains information specific to troubleshooting Java problems on HP-UX systems.
More information can also be found in the HP-UX Programmer's Guide for Java™ 2. In addition,
the Trouble-Shooting and Diagnostic Guide for Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 and the
Troubleshooting Guide for Java SE 6 with HotSpot VMfrom Sun Microsystems also contain some
information that may be useful.
Publishing History
The document printing date and part number indicate the document’s current edition. The
printing date will change when a new edition is printed. Minor changes may be made at reprint
without changing the printing date. The document part number will change when extensive
changes are made. Document updates may be issued between editions to correct errors or
document product changes. To ensure that you receive the updated or new editions, you should
subscribe to the appropriate product support service. See your HP sales representative for details.
The latest version of this document is available online at:
Publication DateEdition NumberSupported VersionsSupported Operating
Manufacturing Part
December 2006Edition 1Versions 1 and 2HP-UX 11i5991-7463
February 2007Edition 2Versions 1 and 2HP-UX 11i5992-0551
July 2007Edition 3Versions 1, 2, and 3HP-UX 11i5992-1918
HP Encourages Your Comments
HP encourages your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing
documentation that meets your needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or
compliments to:
Include the document title, manufacturing part number, and any comment, error found, or
suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.
12 About This Document