maxfiles 2*1024
maxfiles_lim 2*1024
maxdsiz 2000*1024*1024
Following is an example of using HPjconfig to display tunables that are set to values less than
those recommended:
$ java -jar HPjconfig.jar -nogui -tunables -listmis
Log written to HPjconfig_mutant_20060915_040955.log
List of tunables whose values are less than the recommended values:
Name Recommended value
max_thread_proc 3000
maxdsiz 2000*1024*1024
Following is an example log file produced by HPjconfig:
$ more HPjconfig_server1_20060915_042600.log
Fri Sep 15 16:26:00 PDT 2006
HPjconfig 3.0.01 (Thu Jul 21 14:52:47 2005)
Machine name: server1
IP address:
System type: ia64 hp server rx5670
Architecture: IA64N
OS name: HP-UX
OS version: B.11.23
Processors: 4
Java version: 1.4
Reading required patches/tunables information from /tmp/HPjconfig.xml
Read required patches/tunables information
Reading patch list from system
Read patch list from system
List of required patches:
PHCO_30476 supports HPjmeter profiling of unbound (MxN) threads.
PHKL_30192 solves kernel panic with thousands of MxN threads.
PHSS_30015 solves problem with Aries signal handling that overlaps Java sig
nal handling.
PHSS_34201 solves problem emulating floating point conversion when running
PA2.0 Java on an IPF system.. solves problem with Aries signal handling that ove
rlaps Java signal handling. solves problem emulating floating point conversion w
hen running PA2.0 Java on an IPF system.. solves problem with Aries signal handl
ing that overlaps Java signal handling.
1.7 HPjmeter
With the release of HPjmeter 3.0, all previous versions of HPjmeter (1.x, 2.x) are no longer
available for download and are no longer supported by HP.
If you have an old version of HPjmeter, please download HPjmeter 3.0 from:
HPjmeter can be used to identify and diagnose performance problems in Java applications
running on HP-UX. It can be used for both static and dynamic data analysis. For example, for
static data analysis it can be used to analyze profiling data generated by the following
command-line options: -Xrunhprof:heap=dump, -Xeprof, -Xverbosegc, -Xloggc, and
–XX:+HeapDump. Additionally, when using JDK 1.5.04 or later releases, HPjmeter can capture
profiling data with zero preparation (that is, without pre-planning). HPjmeter can also be used
for dynamic data analysis by monitoring live Java applications.
The following table lists the features of HPjmeter 3.0. The first two rows are static features and
the remaining four rows are dynamic features.
24 Diagnostic and Monitoring Tools and Options