
a. What is the version of the Java VM that is having the problem? Run the command java
-version to retrieve this information.
b. What are the values of the environment variables used by Java?
c. What libraries are being loaded? This information is best collected with gdb's packcore
5. Contact Information
a. Contact name
b. Company name
c. Phone number
d. E-mail address
The following subsections provide instructions for collecting the necessary problem, system, and
Java environment information. The final subsection contains instructions for packaging the files
you need to send to Hewlett-Packard.
3.2 Collecting Problem Data
Three pieces of information are essential for analyzing most problems—the core file, the fatal
error log, and the stack trace. Following are instructions for how to collect this information.
3.2.1 Collecting Core File Information
This section begins with a checklist to follow to make sure you can collect useful core files. It
then reviews how you can generate a core file if one is not generated for you. Finally, there is a
discussion about how to verify that your core file is valid. Core File Checklist
Core files contain useful information, if they are complete. Sometimes you need to configure
your system to make sure you can save complete core files. Consider the following items to
ensure you can create complete core files.
1. Estimate the core file size.
2. Ensure your process can write large core files.
3. Verify you have enough free disk space.
4. Make sure the directory where the core file will reside supports a large file system. If not,
write the core file to a directory that does.
5. Make sure you have the correct permissions to write core files.
Following are additional details on each of these steps. Estimate Core File Size
The size of the-Xmx option affects the core file size. Use these rules to estimate the size of the
Java core file:
-Xmx is less than 1,500 MB. The core file will be less than or equal to 2 GB.
-Xmx is between 1,500 and 2,400 MB. The core file will be less than or equal to 3 GB.
-Xmx is greater than 2,400 MB. The core file will be less than or equal to 4 GB. Ensure Process Can Write Large Core Files
Check your coredump block size to make sure it is set to unlimited using the ulimit -a
$ ulimit -a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) 4292870144
stack(kbytes) 8192
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