(csh) setenv SHLIB_PATH /opt/hpjmeter/lib/IA64N
(ksh) export SHLIB_PATH=/opt/hpjmeter/lib/IA64N
To select the Integrity 64-bit library:
(csh) setenv SHLIB_PATH /opt/hpjmeter/lib/IA64W
(ksh) export SHLIB_PATH=/opt/hpjmeter/lib/IA64W
2. Confirm that the node agent is running. With a standard installation, the node agent should
be running as a daemon on the system where it was installed. A node agent must be running
before the console can connect to a managed node to discover applications and open
monitoring sessions.
To verify that the node agent is running, use the following ps command:
% ps -ef | grep node
The last output column (the args column) from ps should show the following:
$JMETER_HOME/bin/nodeagent -daemon
where JMETER_HOME=/opt/hpjmeter. The -daemon flag indicates that the node agent
is running as a daemon.
If the node agent is not running, follow these steps to enable it:
a. Verify that you are logged in with root permissions.
b. Check that the following files exist:
• /sbin/init.d/HPjmeter_NodeAgent
• /sbin/rc3.d/S999HPjmeter_NodeAgent
c. Issue the following command to start the node agent daemon manually. Note: substitute
start with stop to stop the node agent.
$ /sbin/init.d/HPjmeter_NodeAgent start
If you cannot use the node agent as a daemon or you need to set up access restrictions, start
the node agent manually by issuing the following command (no root access needed):
$ /opt/hpjmeter/bin/nodeagent
By default, the node agent listens for console connections on port 9505. Use the -port
port_number option to specify an alternate port number.
3. Start the Java application with the Java VM agent. For example, to start the myapp application
on JDK 1.5 enter:
/opt/java1.5/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx512m -agentlib:jmeter myapp
On SDK 1.4.2 versions enter:
/opt/java1.4/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx512m \
-Xbootclasspath/a:$JMETER_HOME/lib/agent.jar -Xrunjmeter myapp
This enables the myapp process to be dynamically monitored with the console.
4. Start the HPjmeter console by entering the command:
/opt/hpjmeter/bin/hpjmeter Connect to the Node Agent From the HPjmeter Console
1. Choose Connect from the File Menu or select the Connect to Server icon [ ]. The following
screen displays:
1.7 HPjmeter 29