Table 3-1 Libjunwind Library Location for PA-RISC Systems
libjunwind LocationApplication Type
/opt/<java_vers>/jre/lib/PA_RISC/server/libjunwind.slPA1.1 applications (java -pa11)
PA2.0 32–bit applications (default
/opt/<java_vers>/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0W/server/libjunwind.slPA2.0 64–bit applications (java
On Integrity systems, beginning with SDK and JDK, there are two libjunwind
libraries for each Java VM, libjunwind64.so and libunwind.so. The following table shows
the location of these libraries for both 32–bit and 64–bit applications:
Table 3-2 Libjunwind Library Location for Integrity Systems
libjunwind LocationApplication Type
32–bit applications
64–bit applications
3.5 Packaging Files
The packcore command produced the packcore.tar.Z archive, which contains the core file,
core, and the modules.tar file. You now need to package packcore.tar.Z with the other
files needed for troubleshooting. One method for packaging is to use the Java archive tool, jar.
This tool is included with all Java installations.
For example, to collect all files needed for core file analysis into file debug.jar, including
packcore.tar.Z, hs_err_pid7145.log, app_environment.txt, and libjunwind.sl,
issue the following command:
jar cvf debug.jar packcore.tar.Z hp_err_pid7145.log \
app_environment.txt libjunwind.sl
60 Getting Help from Hewlett-Packard