
if you configure a logical server to use a different IP or subnet at each site in the Matrix recovery
management configuration.
When running on physical targets (VC hosted) or non VMware ESX virtual targets (VM hosted),
Matrix recovery management does not ensure that logical servers use the same MAC addresses
at both sites. When running on VMware ESX hosted virtual targets, Matrix recovery
management does ensure that logical servers use the same MAC address at both sites. Your
Network Administrator needs to plan for this in the networking configuration for DR Protected
logical servers, if you are using DHCP.
NOTE: For MAC address details for cross-technology logical servers (logical servers that
are capable of running on both VC hosts and VM hosts), see Dynamic workload movement
with CloudSystem Matrix.
When running on HP Virtual Connect hosted physical targets, the Portable Images Network
Tool (PINT) must be used to prepare the server image to execute on targets with different
network interface configurations and MAC addresses. To use PINT, the Local and Remote
Sites must be on the same network, and the OS image must be a Linux version that is supported
by Matrix recovery management. PINT ensures that the static network configuration from the
source server is successfully transferred to the destination server network interfaces, despite
the different environment. The executables and README are in the <SMP>/PI/PINT folder,
where <SMP> is the folder where HP Insight Control server migration is installed. Copy the
executable cp011231.exe to the physical server where the image is currently running. Run
cp011231.exe to install PINT and start the PINT service.
For information on supported Linux versions and HP Insight Control server migration, see the
HP Insight Management Support Matrix at http://www.hp.com/go/matrixoe/docs.
For information on PINT, see the Portable Images Network Tool (PINT) Linux readme version
1.0.0 available at http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/
If the Local Site and corresponding Remote Site managed servers share a common subnet,
you must ensure that there is no conflict between MAC addresses assigned by HP Virtual
Connect Enterprise Manager (VCEM). For example, if the default address range provided by
VCEM is used at both sites, conflict can be avoided by using the VCEM “exclusion ranges”
feature. For example, on the Local Site CMS, exclude addresses from 00-21-5A-9B-00-00 to
00-21-5A-9B-FF-FF, and on the Remote Site CMS, exclude addresses from 00-21-5A-9C-00-00
to 00-21-5A-9C-FF-FF.
For DR protected logical servers and IO services, ESX port group names and Hyper-V virtual
network names must be identical at the Local Site and the Remote Site.
Setting up Storage
Matrix recovery management depends on storage array replication to enable failover of logical
servers. It is assumed that storage replication links are present between the Local Site and the
Remote Site. HP P6000 Continuous Access Software Disaster Recovery Groups are a good example
of this concept.
To set up Matrix recovery management Storage Replication Groups:
1. Boot and data LUNs for VC or VM hosted logical servers that are to be DR Protected must be
replicated using supported storage replication methods, for example, HP P6000 Continuous
Access, HP P9000 Continuous Access, HP 3PAR, or a User Defined storage replication method.
User Defined storage replication is supported when you create and install a storage adapter
in your Matrix recovery management configuration for a storage type other than HP P6000,
P9000, or HP 3PAR. For example, if you create and install a storage adapter named EMC,
the Storage server type drop-down menu for configuring a Storage Management Server
10 Installing and configuring Matrix recovery management