Targets for a logical server are selected from that logical server's portability group. The portability
group members are then further filtered based on resource availability, including CPU and memory
resources as well as network and SAN connectivity.
NOTE: Networks in Virtual Connect must be named identically to their corresponding networks
(port groups) on ESX Hypervisors. Differences in names prevent the Unlike Move operation from
identifying networks with similar connectivity.
Target attributes
You can track where a logical server has been successfully activated or moved by using logical
server target attributes. Target attributes provide a greater number of “most suitable” targets where
you can activate or move a logical server. To view or modify target attributes on a logical server,
select the logical server and then click Modify→Logical Server Target Attributes→Manage as
illustrated in Figure 18 (page 45).
Figure 18 Modifying logical server target attributes
Types of targets can be selected and added or removed from the logical server's target attributes.
Selecting a server from the list below and clicking Add adds that type of server with associated
resources to the list of “most suitable” targets for the logical server. Selecting a type of server from
the Target Attributes Available to Remove list and clicking Remove causes the type of server specified
to no longer be listed as “most suitable.” Figure 19 (page 45) illustrates the screen where you can
manage logical server target attributes.
Figure 19 Managing logical server target attributes
Configuring and managing cross-technology logical servers 45