
When you use Matrix recovery management to DR protect VMware ESX based IO services
that have been deployed from an IO template using an ICVirt template or a VM template
on the vCenter server at the Local Site, an ICVirt or VM template with same name must
be available at the Remote Site before you perform a Matrix recovery management import
operation to import the site configuration. If an ICVirt or VM template with the same name
is not available at the Remote Site, DR protected IO services will not be imported.
When you use Matrix recovery management to DR protect Microsoft Hyper-V based IO
services that have been deployed from an IO template using an ICVirt template on the
CMS at the Local Site, an ICVirt template with same name must be available at the Remote
Site before you perform a Matrix recovery management import operation to import the
site configuration. If an ICVirt template with the same name is not available at the Remote
Site, DR protected IO services will not be imported.
When you use Matrix recovery management to DR protect IO services deployed from an
IO template using an ICVirt template, VM template, or SCVMM template, only one disk
per logical server is supported.
6. Add IO services to Matrix recovery management Recovery Groups. Recoverable IO services
can be selected from a drop-down menu when you configure IO services Recovery Groups.
For more information, see the Recovery Groups tab in the Matrix recovery management GUI.
7. Duplicate the organizational setup of the local site on the remote site.
8. Export site configuration at Local Site. For more information, see “Matrix recovery management
export and import operations” (page 20).
9. Import site configuration at Remote Site. For more information, see “Matrix recovery
management export and import operations” (page 20).
Configure IO properties
To enable DR Protection for IO services, edit the following hpio.properties and
dr.properties files located in C:\Program Files\HP\Matrix infrastructure
orchestration\conf directory:
Enable DR Protection for IO services: enable.dr.protection = true
For DR protection in a multi-tenancy environment, all IO services must have unique names
across all organizations. Enforce this restriction by setting the
force.unique.service.names.across.organizations=true property.
Specify the datastore used for provisioning DR Protected IO services:
At the Local Site, specify the volumes to use for DR Protected IO services, for example:
volume.dr.list = /vmfs/volumes/ds_1;C:\\ClusterStorage\\Volume3;C:\\ClusterStorage\\Volume4
At the Remote Site, specify the volumes to use for replica IO services, for example:
volume.dr.replica.list = /vmfs/volumes/ds_1;C:\\ClusterStorage\\Volume3;C:\\ClusterStorage\\Volume4
DR protection for IO services 23