DR Protected IO services failover troubleshooting
In addition to the failover issues addressed in this User Guide that are common to both logical
servers and IO services, the following failover issues apply to IO services only:
• Failed to activate IO service in a Recovery Group
Possible Causes:
◦ Storage resources are not available.
◦ The IO service is in an invalid state for activation.
◦ The IO service does not exist.
◦ The Matrix infrastructure orchestration Windows service is not running.
◦ There is a communication failure with IO.
• Failed to deactivate IO service in a Recovery Group
Possible Causes:
◦ The Matrix infrastructure orchestration Windows service is not running.
◦ The IO service does not exist.
◦ The IO service is in an invalid state for deactivation.
◦ There is a communication failure with IO.
Matrix recovery management error messages specific to IO services
Failed to get the IO service.Error message
Matrix recovery management was not able to get the IO service information from IO.Cause
Check the Matrix recovery management and IO log files for more details on the failure. Restart the
Matrix infrastructure orchestration Windows service and retry the operation.
Service activation/deactivation cannot be performed at this time since
the service is in IN_PROGRESS state.
Error message
The IO service was being operated on when the Matrix recovery management activation or
deactivation operation was performed (modification, activation, or deactivation was in progress).
Wait for the IO service to exit the IN_PROGRESS state and retry the activation or deactivation
64 Troubleshooting