The command-line interface for PISA is described below. The options are mutually exclusive.
PISA runs on supported versions of Windows only, and it requires that the user be a member of
the Administrator user group.
Usage: hppisa
-h, -?, -help Show this information
-e, -enable Enable the LSI driver
-d, -disable Disable the LSI driver
After these changes are made, the OS image can be moved back and forth between physical
servers and virtual machines.
For more information on PISA, including installation, supported operating systems and operating
instructions, see the readme available on the HP Insight Control DVD at C:\Program Files\
HP\Insight Control server migration\PI\PISA.
Portable Images Network Tool (PINT)
PINT is used to resolve networking issues when you move an OS image from one physical server
to another, or from a physical server to a VMware ESX virtual machine. However, when an OS is
booted after a VC hosted logical server activation at the DR site, PINT might not assign the correct
IP address to the intended NIC. If this happens, manually configure the NIC IP address.
PINT maintains a network configuration file where it gathers information on each network interface
and its configuration on a server. PINT remains in a suspended state, running only when it receives
one of the following events:
• IP configuration change event
PINT considers any changes made while the server is up and running to be intentional changes
made by the user. PINT records the changes and updates its configuration file.
• Stop event
If the user stops the PINT service PINT receives an event that lets it know to shutdown.
• User command event
If a user makes any changes through the PINT command-line PINT is notified and acts
NOTE: If a NIC in the destination server requires a different set of drivers than those on the source
server, you must install the new drivers before using PINT on the destination server.
For more information on PINT, including installation and operating instructions, see the Portable
Images Network Tool (PINT) Windows readme or the Portable Images Network Tool (PINT) Linux
readme available in the PINT directory on the HP Insight Control DVD at C:\Program Files\
HP\Insight Control server migration\PI\PINT.
Configuring and managing cross-technology logical servers
This section explains configuration tasks and management of cross-technology logical servers in
an HP Matrix Operating Environment.
Portability groups
When you create a logical server, you must specify the portability of the logical server. You do
this by selecting a portability group from within the identity page of the logical server configuration
wizard. After a logical server is associated with a particular portability group, it can be moved to
any target system (HP Virtual Connect physical server or virtual machine hypervisor) within that
portability group. Logical server resource constraints, such as CPU/memory requirements and
network/SAN connectivity, are evaluated solely within the context of the portability group that the
logical server is associated with. Portability groups come in two classes: Default and User Defined.
Configuring and managing cross-technology logical servers 39