
Chapter 8 Viewing Voyager PSD Data
8-14 Applied Biosystems
NOTE: If the calibration reference file is stored on a
network drive, an error message may display when you
select the calibration file when performing a calibration.
If an error message is displayed, copy the file to a local
drive on your computer using Windows NT Explorer.
5. Enter Reference Matching Criteria:
Minimum IntensityPeaks must be above this
intensity to be considered a match. Select the unit
for Minimum Intensity, % Relative Intensity or
% Relative Area.
Mass TolerancePeaks must be within this
tolerance of the theoretical mass to be considered
a match. Select the unit, m/z or ppm.
6. Select the Peak Weighting Factor. If the calibration
includes more than two points, you can apply the following
weighting factors to fit points to the curve:
NoneAll peaks weighted equally
Inverse Peak WidthNarrower peaks are
weighted more than broader peaks
HeightMore intense peaks are weighted more
than less intense peaks
7. Match observed peaks in the spectrum with reference
masses in the calibration reference file using one of the
following procedures:
•“Matching peaks automatically described below
•“Selecting peaks manually on page 8-16