Index-16 Applied Biosystems
Mass Calibration commands
dimmed on menu 9-11
not displayed on menu 9-8
Mass calibration, see Calibrating mass
Mass, centroid
calculating 3-39
copying from peak list 1-41
definition B-6
displaying peaks as
histograms 5-36
labeling 3-57
Mass deconvolution
command dimmed on Process
menu 5-37, 9-8
example 7-4
performing 5-37
result, failed to calculate 9-8
results 5-40
Mass Difference peak label
from adjacent peak (regular
labels) 3-57
from adjacent peak (user
labels) 3-62
from selected peak 3-57
Mass list, copying to Windows
clipboard 1-41
Mass Offset, replaced by Mass
Difference from Selected
Peak 3-57
Mass Resolution Calculator, see
Resolution, mass
Mass resolution defaults used in peak
detection 3-24
Match Charge State 3-62
Max Stitch Mass
definition 8-4
displaying 8-4
optimum focus and resolution
observed near this
mass 8-4
updated when Precursor mass
changed 8-24
Maximize trace window 2-9
Maximum Charge State
description 3-27
set too low 3-33
Maximum Isotopes
setting 3-27
setting too low 3-35
MC in spectrum header 2-6, 2-32, 5-13,
5-15, 5-17, 5-22, 5-23, 7-17,
Metafile, copying to 1-39
Microsoft applications
Excel 1-5
Microsoft Office 1-5
Visual Basic Editor 6-42
Word 1-5
Microsoft Excel, importing PKT files
to 3-41
Minimum Area, setting spectrum 3-30
Minimum Intensity
in peak detection algorithm 3-67
setting spectrum 3-30
Mn Mw Mz Mw/Mn, determining C-15
Monoisotopic peak
deisotoping a spectrum 3-9, 3-45
displaying in peak list 3-43
filtering 3-43
labeling 3-43
mass, definition B-6
reducing trace to 3-9, 3-45
Moving between open files 1-12
MS Fit/MS Tag macro C-2
MS Method (Mariner data only)
applications 4-23
conditions and tags,
displaying 4-23
Event Tag Filtering command
dimmed 4-24
event tag, filtering 4-23
instrument settings, extracting from
DAT file 1-36