Chapter 1 Data Explorer™ Basics
1-32 Applied Biosystems
The Convert to .DAT Format dialog box reappears.
5. Click OK.
A message box is displayed, showing the file name of
the newly created .DAT file.
6. Close the .SPC file and open the .DAT file before
processing. If desired, manually delete the .SPC file and
associated files.
Viewing file
File properties are accessible in Windows NT Explorer and
provide general information about a data file without opening
the file in the Data Explorer software.
To view file properties:
1. In Data Explorer, close the file of interest.
2. In Windows NT Explorer, select the file, then right-click.
3. Select Properties from the menu.
4. Click the Summary tab.
NOTE: If the Summary tab is not available, the file may
be open in Data Explorer. Close the file and repeat the
steps above.
Searching file
To search for a file based on file properties:
1. In Windows NT Explorer, select Find from the Tools
menu, then select Files or Folders.
The Find: All Files dialog box is displayed.
2. In the Name & Location tab, type or select a directory in
the Look in text box.
3. Select the Advanced tab.
4. Select Data Explore Document from the Of type
drop-down list.
5. Type the information you are searching for (for example, a
title or keyword) in the Containing text box, then click Find