Configuration Menu 113
• IEEE 802.1w standard-based RSTP implementation runs on one STG (i.e. same as one spanning tree
instance) only. As a result, if ‘rstp’ mode is selected under the /cfg/mrst/mode command, then only a
single RSTP instance (default for STG 1) is supported for all VLANs, including the Default VLAN 1.
• If multiple spanning tree instances are required, then select ‘mstp’ mode so that multiple VLANs are
handled by multiple spanning tree instances, as specified by IEEE 802.1s standard-based MSTP
• IEEE 802.1s MSTP supports rapid convergence using IEEE 802.1w RSTP.
• PVST+ does not support rapid convergence in current versions.
The following configurations are unsupported:
• HP PVST+ (default Spanning Tree setting) is NOT interoperable with Cisco Rapid PVST+.
• HP MSTP/RSTP (with mode set to either ‘mstp’ or ‘rstp’) is NOT interoperable with Cisco Rapid PVST+.
The following configurations are supported:
• HP PVST+ (default Spanning Tree setting) is interoperable with Cisco PVST+.
• HP MSTP/RSTP (with mode set to ‘mstp’) is interoperable with Cisco MST/RSTP.
Common Internal Spanning Tree configuration
Command: /cfg/l2/mrst/cist
[Common Internal Spanning Tree Menu]
brg - CIST Bridge parameter menu
port - CIST Port parameter menu
add - Add VLAN(s) to CIST
default - Default Common Internal Spanning Tree and Member parameters
cur - Display current CIST parameters
The Common Internal Spanning Tree (CIST) provides compatibility with different MSTP regions and with devices
running different Spanning Tree instances. It is equivalent to Spanning Tree Group 0.
The following table describes the commands used to configure Common Internal Spanning Tree Configuration Menu
Table 107 Common Internal Spanning Tree Configuration Menu options
Command Description
brg Displays the CIST Bridge Menu.
port <port number> Displays the CIST Port Menu.
add <1-4095> Adds VLANs to the CIST. Enter one VLAN per line, and press Enter to add the VLANs.
default Resets all CIST parameters to their default values.
cur Displays the current CIST configuration.