Statistics Menu 77
IGMP Multicast Group statistics
Command: /stats/l3/igmp
Enter VLAN number: (1-4095) 1
IGMP Snoop vlan 1 statistics:
rxIgmpValidPkts: 0 rxIgmpInvalidPkts: 0
rxIgmpGenQueries: 0 rxIgmpGrpSpecificQueries: 0
rxIgmpLeaves: 0 rxIgmpReports: 0
txIgmpReports: 0 txIgmpGrpSpecificQueries: 0
txIgmpLeaves: 0
This menu option enables you to display statistics regarding the use of the IGMP Multicast Groups.
The following table describes the IGMP statistics:
Table 64 IGMP statistics
Statistic Description
rxIgmpValidPkts Total number of valid IGMP packets received
rxIgmpInvalidPkts Total number of invalid packets received
rxIgmpGenQueries Total number of General Membership Query packets received
rxIgmpGrpSpecificQueries Total number of Membership Query packets received from specific groups
rxIgmpLeaves Total number of Leave requests received
rxIgmpReports Total number of Membership Reports received
txIgmpReports Total number of Membership reports transmitted
txIgmpGrpSpecificQueries Total number of Membership Query packets transmitted to specific groups
txIgmpLeaves Total number of Leave messages transmitted
OSPF statistics menu
Command: /stats/l3/ospf
[OSPF stats Menu]
general - Show global stats
aindex - Show area(s) stats
if - Show interface(s) stats
NOTE: This menu is available only on the GbE2c Layer 2/3 Ethernet Blade Switch.
The following table describes the OSPF statistics menu options.
Table 65 OSPF statistics menu options
Command Usage
general Displays OSPF global statistics.
aindex <0-2> Displays area index statistics.
if <1-255> Displays interface statistics.