Statistics Menu 80
Table 66 OSPF global statistics
Statistic Description
Timers Kickoff:
hello The sum total number of times the Hello timer has been fired (which triggers the
send of a Hello packet) across all OPSF areas and interfaces.
retransmit The sum total number of times the Retransmit timer has been fired across all OPSF
areas and interfaces.
lsa lock The sum total number of times the Link State Advertisement (LSA) lock timer has been
fired across all OSPF areas and interfaces.
lsa ack The sum total number of times the LSA Ack timer has been fired across all OSPF
areas and interfaces.
dbage The total number of times the data base age (Dbage) has been fired.
summary The total number of times the Summary timer has been fired.
ase export The total number of times the Autonomous System Export (ASE) timer has been fired.
VRRP statistics
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) support on the GbE2c provides redundancy between routers in a LAN.
This is accomplished by configuring the same virtual router IP address and ID number on each participating VRRP-
capable routing device.
One of the virtual routers is then elected as the master, based on a number of priority criteria, and assumes control of
the shared virtual router IP address. If the master fails, one of the backup virtual routers will assume routing authority
and take control of the virtual router IP address.
When virtual routers are configured, you can display the following protocol statistics for VRRP:
• Advertisements received (vrrpInAdvers)
• Advertisements transmitted (vrrpOutAdvers)
• Advertisements received, but ignored (vrrpBadAdvers)
NOTE: VRRP commands are available only on the GbE2c Layer 2/3 Ethernet Blade Switch.
Command: /stats/l3/vrrp
>> Layer 3 Statistics# vrrp
VRRP statistics:
vrrpInAdvers: 0 vrrpBadAdvers: 0
vrrpOutAdvers: 0
vrrpBadVersion: 0 vrrpBadVrid: 0
vrrpBadAddress: 0 vrrpBadData: 0
vrrpBadPassword: 0 vrrpBadInterval: 0
The following table describes the VRRP statistics.
Table 67 VRRP statistics
Field Description
vrrpInAdvers The total number of VRRP advertisements that have been received.
vrrpOutAdvers The total number of VRRP advertisements that have been sent.
vrrpBadVersion The total number of VRRP advertisements that had a bad version number.
vrrpBadAddress The total number of VRRP advertisements that had a bad address.
vrrpBadPassword The total number of VRRP advertisements that had a bad password.
vrrpBadAdvers The total number of VRRP advertisements received that were dropped.
vrrpBadVrid The total number of VRRP advertisements that had a bad virtual router ID.
vrrpBadData The total number of VRRP advertisements that had bad data.