Statistics Menu 65
The following table describes the bridging statistics for a selected port:
Table 47 Bridging statistics for port
Statistics Description
dot1PortInFrames The number of frames that have been received by this port from its segment.
A frame received on the interface corresponding to this port is counted by this
object, if and only if, it is for a protocol being processed by the local bridging
function, including bridge management frames.
dot1PortOutFrames The number of frames that have been transmitted by this port to its segment.
A frame transmitted on the interface corresponding to this port is counted by
this object, if and only if, it is for a protocol being processed by the local
bridging function, including bridge management frames.
dot1PortInDiscards Count of valid frames received which were discarded (that is, filtered) by the
forwarding process.
dot1TpLearnedEntryDiscards The total number of Forwarding Database entries, which have been or would
have been learned, but have been discarded due to a lack of space to store
them in the Forwarding Database.
If this counter is increasing, it indicates that the Forwarding Database is
regularly becoming full (a condition which has adverse performance effects
on the sub network).
If this counter has a significant value but is not presently increasing, it
indicates that the problem has been occurring but is not persistent.
dot1StpPortForwardTransitions The number of times this port has transitioned from the Learning state to the
Forwarding state.
Ethernet statistics
Command: /stats/port <port number>/ether
Ethernet statistics for port 1:
dot3StatsAlignmentErrors: 0
dot3StatsFCSErrors: 0
dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames: 0
dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames: 0
dot3StatsLateCollisions: 0
dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions: 0
dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors: NA
dot3StatsFrameTooLongs: 0
dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors: 0
The following table describes the Ethernet statistics for a selected port:
Table 48 Ethernet statistics for port
Statistics Description
dot3StatsAlignmentErrors A count of frames received on a particular interface that are not
an integral number of octets in length and do not pass the Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) check.
The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented
when the alignmentError status is returned by the MAC service to
the Logical Link Control (LLC) (or other MAC user).
Received frames for which multiple error conditions obtained are,
according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management,
counted exclusively according to the error status presented to the