
Section 4
4 AS/400, iSeries Host Set Up
This section explains the system requirements and host set up instructions for AFP/IPDS TCP/IP
printing to an IntelliBar printer.
The AS/400 or iSeries host setup process consists of the following steps:
Verify that valid TCP/IP settings have been configured on both the host computer and the Intelli-
Bar AS Net print server.
If the host and the printer are not on the same LAN segment, verify that a route has been defined
in the TCP/IP route list. If a route does not exist, use the ADDTCPRTE command to add one.
A. Verify that TCP/IP has been started using the STRTCP command.
B. Verify that the IntelliBar AS Net printer can be pinged successfully from the host com-
puter (not from a workstation).
C. Verify that PSF/400 is installed on your host.
D. Verify that the latest OS/400 PTFs for your OS version are installed.
E. Configure the OS/400 commands. Depending on the version and release of the OS/400,
configure the descriptions according to the instructions in one of the following Sections:
Section 4.4 Configuring 0S/400 V3R1
Section 4.5 Configuring OS/400 V3R2
Section 4.6 Configuring OS/400 V3R6
Section 4.7 Configuring OS/400 V3R7, V4R3 and V4R4
Section 4.8 Configuring OS/400 V4R5, V5R1 and V5R2
F. Create a printer device description by configuring the CRTDEVPRT command (Create
Device Description (Printer)).
G. Create a PSF configuration using either the WRKAPF2 command or the CRTPSFCFG
command (Create PSF Configuration) depending on the OS/400 version and revision