Appendix A: Glossary
PRINTDEF. A NetWare utility program for defining the characteristics of a printer or form.
These characteristics are associated with the print job via the PRINTCON utility.
Print Server. 1. A device that allows multiple host computers to share a printer over a local
area network. 2. In Novell NetWare, a logical device that services print queues on a file server.
Protocol. A method of sending and receiving data between two or more nodes on a network,
and insuring that the data is received without errors.
PSF. Printer Services Facility. IBM’s system software that generates the native IBM printer
language, IPDS. PSF is supported as a standard part of the operating system under OS/400.
PSF manages printer resources such as fonts and electronic forms, and provides error recovery
for print jobs. Multiple data streams are accepted by PSF and converted into an IPDS data
stream for printing.
PSF/400. Print Services Facility for AS/400. PSF/400 is a feature of OS/400, the AFP system
manager and IPDS printer manager for AS/400-iSeries servers. PSF/400 manages the delivery
of AS/400-iSeries output. It directs a dialog with the IPDS printer that enables each page and
each job to be printed completely, with full error recovery and page range support. PSF/400 also
manages all of the elements required for each page, such as fonts, images and overlays, dynami-
cally delivered as needed to the printer. SCS applications with PSF/400 can now use IPDS
PTF. Program Temporary Fix. A PTF is a temporary solution to a problem (bug) in an IBM
software product that is made available for customers to install.
PU. Physical Unit. PUs are IBM network components that are responsible for managing net-
work resources such as lines, memory, terminals, controllers, etc.
Queue. A region on the computer or file server's disk where files are temporarily stored before
printing. Since the queue can store multiple files, it effectively allows users to send their jobs to
the printer even if the printer is busy (a procedure called spooling).
Queue Server. In Novell NetWare, a queue server is basically the same as a NetWare print
server. Queue Server mode is a NetWare printing method in which the printer is directly con-
nected to the print server with no PSERVER NLM installed on the file server.
Rarp. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol is a protocol by which a physical machine in a lo-
cal area network can request to learn its IP address from a gateway server's Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) table or cache.
RAW. TCP Data Port. The TCP/IP print servers usually have two (or more) different ports,
one named raw and another text. The difference between these two is that for the raw port, no