Section 4: AS/400, iSeries Host Set Up
Verify the IPDS setup as follows:
B. Verify Communications. Ping the IntelliBar AS Net print server from the AS/400 or iS-
eries host to verify TCP/IP connection by typing the following on the command line:
PING(‘’), where ‘’ is the IP address of the IntelliBar AS Net printer.
Note. After re-booting the IntelliBar AS Net printer, it may take up to
30 seconds for TCP/IP to initialize and respond to a PING request.
The AS/400 will immediately display the message ‘Verifying connection to host system’ if
If the host is unable to reach the IntelliBar AS Net print server, it will display ‘No response
from host within “N” seconds for connection verification’. If the host is unable to reach the
printer, recheck all physical connections and the configuration settings on both the printer and
the host and refer to Section 6, Troubleshooting.
C. Vary the IntelliBar AS Net printer ON. At the command line, type: WRKCFGSTS *DEV
(‘Device Name’) and select option 1 for Vary ON or type: VRYCFG CFGOBJ
(‘Device Name’) CFGTYPE(*DEV) STATUS(*ON)
D. Verify IPDS communications between the host and the IntelliBar AS Net printer by
starting the Print Writer and releasing an appropriate IPDS print job to the printer.
NOTE: If the IntelliBar AS Net printer is powered down or reset while
the writer is started, it is necessary to end the writer and then go to step
If you are having difficulties printing after completing the above instructions go to Section 6,
Troubleshooting, for assistance.