
Appendix A: Glossary
Binary File. A file that contains data that is not in a standard format like ASCII. In printing, bi-
nary files typically contain graphical information such as scanned photographs.
Binary services. Binary services pass data through a port in an unmodified manner, thus allow-
ing binary executables to operate directly on the print server or printer controller.
Bindery. In NetWare 2.xx and 3.xx, a database containing definitions for network entities, in-
cluding users, file servers, print servers, etc., along with the properties associated with such enti-
ties. In NetWare 4.xx, bindery emulation is available for compatibility with older versions.
BOOTP. BOOTstrap Protocol. A protocol described in RFCS 951 and 1084 and used for
booting diskless workstations (ex., print servers). BOOTP lets a network user be automatically
configured to receive an IP address initiated without user involvement. The BOOTP server auto-
matically assigns the IP address from a pool of addresses for a specified duration of time.
BOOTP is the basis for a more advanced network manager protocol, the Dynamic Host Con-
figuration Protocol (DHCP).
Centronics. The de facto standard for parallel printer ports that is used on the vast majority of
all printers.
Chooser. A Macintosh program that allows a user to select a printer on a network.
Circuit. A logical connection between two or more devices on a network.
Client. A computer on a local area network that obtains services from a server on the network.
Command File. The VMS equivalent of a batch file. See batch file.
Console. A program running on a device (such as print server) that allows a user to configure
and monitor that device.
DAEMON. The acronym for "Disk And Execution MONitor". A program that is not invoked
explicitly, but lies dormant waiting for some condition(s) to occur.
Data Stream. A data stream is a continuous ordered stream of data elements and objects con-
forming to a given format.
DDS. Data Description Specifications
DECNET. A network operating system and the corresponding protocol developed by Digital
Equipment Corporation. Not to be confused with LAT, which is a different DEC protocol.