Appendix A: Glossary
Web JetAdmin. A Hewlett-Packard software program for Windows NT that allows HP, In-
telliBar and other print servers to be configured and managed over the network using a web
WebXAdmin A feature of IntelliBar Net print servers that allows configuration and management
via a web browser.
Windows 95 and Windows 98. Microsoft's PC operating systems that feature built-in peer-to-
peer networking.
Windows NT Microsoft's multitasking operating system that can be used either as a client or as
a server (Windows NT Advanced Server).
Windows 2000 Microsoft's multitasking operating system that replaces Windows NT. Win-
dows 2000 can be used either as a client or as a server.
Windows XP. Microsoft's latest multitasking operating system that replaces Windows 2000.
Windows XP can be used either as a client or as a server.
WINSOCK. A popular applications program interface for TCP/IP networking using Windows
operating systems.
Wollongong PATHWAY. A TCP/IP software package for VMS.
XAdmin. Windows-based 16 bit utility for managing and configuring print servers.
XAdmin32. Windows-based 32-bit bit utility for managing and configuring print servers.
Zone. In AppleTalk, a zone is a sub-network; that is, a given network can be subdivided into
multiple zones.
***End of Appendix A***