86 DB2 Deployment Guide
echo "Deployment finished."
We use the following command to start the mass deployment of the DB2 fix pack
against the remote machines, Baltic and Banda:
db2fp_install -N /tmp/v95fp1/ese -H baltic,banda -b /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5 -c nlpack
-l /tmp/db2fp_dply.log
Example 2-28 shows the screen output.
Example 2-28 Performing the mass deployment of DB2 fix pack
# ./db2fp_install -N /tmp/v95fp1/ese -H baltic,banda -b /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5 -c nlpack -l /
Starting fixpack deployment on machine baltic using ...
Messages returned from baltic:
DBI1017I installFixPack is updating the DB2 product(s) installed in
location /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5.
The execution completed successfully.
For more information see the DB2 installation log at "/tmp/db2fp_dply.log".
Fixpack deployment finished on machine baltic.
Starting fixpack deployment on machine banda using ...
Messages returned from banda:
DBI1017I installFixPack is updating the DB2 product(s) installed in
location /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5.
The execution completed successfully.
For more information see the DB2 installation log at "/tmp/db2fp_dply.log".
Fixpack deployment finished on machine banda.
Deployment finished.