132 DB2 Deployment Guide
Installing IBM Data Server Client or DB2 Connect Personal
Edition on the code server
The installation steps for installing IBM Data Server client or DB2 Connect
Personal Edition on the code server is similar to installing any other DB2 product.
However, you must select Custom installation type and from the Select the
Features to install Windows, select Server Support, and then select Thin Client
Code server as shown in Figure 3-45.
Figure 3-45 Select the features to install
Making the code directory available to all thin client
In order to load the required code from the code server, each of the target thin
client workstations must be able to read the directory where IBM Data Server
Client or DB2 Connect Personal Edition source code is installed.
The following steps demonstrate an example for Windows XP:
1. On the code server, launch Windows Explorer.
2. Select the directory on the code server that will be used to serve thin client
workstations. For this example, select the C:Program Files\IBM\sqllib
directory to set up the share.
3. Select File → Properties from the menu bar.