Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 51
The db2rspgn utility automatically creates an instance configuration profile for all
instances on current system. However, you can also specify a configuration
profile for select instances. The configuration profile gets saved to the same path
as that of the response file.
The db2rspgn utility can be invoked from the DB2 Command Line Processor
db2rspgn –d <destination directory> [-i <instance>]
-d <destination directory>: The destination directory for a response file and
any instance files. This parameter is required.
-i <instance>: A list of instances for which you want to create a
profile. The default is to generate an instance
profile file for all instances. This parameter is
optional. Also, it can be specified multiple times
to input more than one instance.
Execution of the db2rspgn utility will generate response file (*.rsp) and INS file
(*.INS) for each instance associated with this DB2 copy. The INS file is a
configuration profile file that contains the following information:
Database information (including DCS and ODBC information)
Node information
Protocol information
Database manager configuration settings
Registry settings
Common ODBC/CLI settings
Example 2-6 demonstrates the use of the db2rspgn command.
Example 2-6 Using db2rspgn
C:\MyInst>db2rspgn -d C:\MyInst -i DB2
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is DCDC-8C9E
Directory of C:\MyInst
06/10/2008 02:55 PM <DIR> .
06/10/2008 02:55 PM <DIR> ..
06/10/2008 02:55 PM 1,979 DB2.INS
06/10/2008 02:55 PM 2,425 db2ese.rsp
2 File(s) 4,404 bytes
2 Dir(s) 146,450,423,808 bytes free