190 DB2 Deployment Guide
4.6.3 IBM_DB_SA adaptor
IBM_DB_SA is an adaptor IBM provides for SQLAlchemy. The IBM_DB_SA
adapter provides SQLAlchemy interface to IBM Data Servers that conforms to
the SQL Alchemy 0.4.0 specification. IBM_DB_SA internally calls IBM_DB_DBI
to connect to DB2 databases. This also is an open source product and is written
in Python.
4.6.4 Installation of IBM Python drivers
You can install both IBM_DB driver and IBM_DB_DBI wrapper simultaneously in
one process. You can install IBM_DB_SA adaptor separately. We first discuss
the prerequisites to installing the driver, wrapper, and adaptor and then move to
installation. The installation process is the same for Linux and Windows.
You must have the following software before you can install and use the driver,
DBI wrapper, and SQLAlchemy adaptor:
Most Linux and UNIX systems come with Python installed, but you might want
to install a local copy of Python on which you have full control. You can
download the latest Python from:
Compressed source code is available for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. The
install file is also available for Windows. Optionally, you can download Python
documentation from:
setuptools is required to download, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python
packages. You can find the installation instructions at the following URL:
You can also download setuptools for your environment from this URL.
Note: For Linux and UNIX, you also have to install the python2.5-dev
package as well. For Debian based systems, issue the following command
to install it:
sudo apt-get install python2.5-dev