Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 33
There are some limitations of the non-root installation of which you should be
aware. For DB2 server products, some limitations of a non-root installation are as
DB2 Administration Server and related commands are not available:
dascrt, dasdrop, daslist, dasmigr, and dasupdt.
DB2 Control Center and DB2 Configuration Assistant are not available.
The agent priority set with Work Load Manager (WLM) in a DB2 service class
in a non-root DB2 instance is ignored and no SQLCODE is returned.
Automatic startup of the non-root DB2 instance is provided, because the
system reboot is not supported.
Partitioned database is not supported.
For a complete list of limitations, refer to the following URL:
The differences between root and non-root installation can be found at this URL:
By default, non-root installation does not support operating system-based
authentication. You have to manually set authentication parameter in the
Database Manager Configuration after the installation. However, by running the
command db2rfe, you can enable the supported root features according to the
configuration file after the non-root installation. In addition to the operating
system-based authentication, there are other limitations that can also be restored
by running db2rfe:
High Availability (HA) feature
Adding new service entries in /etc/services
Increasing user data limits (ulimit); this ability applies to AIX only
Elevated privileges installation on Windows
Just like the non-root installation for UNIX/Linux platforms, DB2 9.5 for Windows
has a counterpart feature called elevated privileges installation, also known as
non-Administrator installation.
To perform the elevated privileges installation, prior to the installation you have to
identify a non-Administrator account used to perform the installation task. A
member of the Administrators group is required to configure the Windows
elevated privileges settings to allow the non-Administrator to perform an