Table 10 (Page 2 of 2). JES2 Control Statements
Statement Purpose Comments
Specifies the default print or
punch destination for the job.
Use the // OUTPUT
DEFAULT=YES instead.
/*SETUP Requests mounting of volumes
needed for the job.
Seldom used. (Similar to VSE
PAUSE statement)
/*SIGNOFF Ends a remote job stream
processing session.
BSC RJE Workstation use only.
/*SIGNON Begins a remote job stream
processing session.
BSC RJE Workstation use only.
/*XEQ Specifies the execution node
for a job.
(Short form of /*ROUTE XEQ)
/*XMIT Indicates a job or data stream
to be transmitted to another
NJE node.
A // JOB card must precede
this, and a job statement for
the execution node must follow
4.5 VSE and MVS JCL Comparison Example
The following example jobs (4.5.1, Sample VSE JCL, 4.5.2, Sample MVS JCL, and
4.5.3, Sample VSE plus Carry-Over) show different ways to code the JCL to
execute PROGRAM1, SORT, and PROGRAM2. Though these jobs appear to be
different, the output is exactly the same in each example.
Step (Job) 1
PROGRAM1 reads data from TAPEIN (INPUT-TAPE in VSE and INPUT.TAPE in
OS/390) and writes data to DISKOUT (WORK-DISK in VSE and WORK.DISK in
Step (Job) 2
SORT takes data from SORTIN (WORK-DISK in VSE and WORK.DISK in
OS/390) and writes sorted data to SORTOUT (WORK-DISK 2 in VSE and
WORK.DISK2 in OS/390).
Step (Job) 3
PROGRAM2 reads data from DISKIN (WORK-DISK 2 in VSE and WORK.DISK2
in OS/390) and sends output to two different locations (Endicott and
By comparing the file definitions described above you can see which JCL
statements in VSE and MVS perform equivalent functions (TLBL or DLBL/EXTENT
equate to DD, EXEC equates to EXEC, and so on). Notice also the very slight
difference in syntax: VSE has a space after the ′//′, MVS does not unless it is a
continuation card, also VSE continuation starts on column 16. In VSE, the file
definitions precede the EXEC statement while in MVS they succeed the EXEC
The JCL in ″4.5.1, Sample VSE JCL″ and ″4.5.2, Sample MVS JCL ″ show an
equivalent relationship as to the placement of file definitions in the different
steps (that is, the file definitions are all in the step where they are used). By
contrast ″4.5.3, Sample VSE plus Carry-Over″ shows how file definitions can all
be located at the beginning of the VSE JCL and ″carried″ throughout the entire
Chapter 4. Job Control Language (JCL) Differences and Considerations 91