logo Assembler Language Calls
CALLDLI MF=E is not supported in IMS/ESA.
8.1.6 Utilities
Equivalents of all DL/I utility programs exist in IMS/ESA. Their functions are
similar, but it is necessary to change the JCL from VSE to MVS and utility control
statements from DL/I to IMS/ESA. There are variations in the utilities between
DL/I and IMS/ESA that will require procedural changes.
Partial HD Reload is not supported in IMS/ESA.
Selective HD Unload is not supported in IMS/ESA.
Similar function is provided by the IMS System Utilities/Data Base Tools
(5685-093). Rewind Option for Reorganization Utilities
This is controlled by JCL in MVS. The VOLUME parameter on the tape DD
statement allows you to specify whether or not the tape is to be dismounted. The
LABEL parameter indicates how many data sets precede the required data set
on the tape volume. Checkpoint Option with HD Reorganization Unload Utility
In IMS/ESA, checkpointing is requested through the DFSUCKPT DD JCL
statement. Restart requires the DFSURSRT DD statement as well. See the
IMS/ESA Utilities Reference: Database Manager
manual for more information. Secondary Index Creation
In DL/I the secondary indexes are created when the data portion of the database
is loaded. DL/I will create a secondary index during load, HD reload, or prefix
update. IMS/ESA uses the HISAM unload and reload utilities to create the
secondary indexes from a work data set created by the prefix resolution utility.
The Prefix Resolution and HISAM unload and reload utilities are run after the
data portions of the database have been created. Refer to the
Administration Guide: Database Manager
and the
IMS/ESA Utilities Reference:
Database Manager
manuals for the reorganization of databases with secondary
indexes or logical relationships.
8.1.7 Operations RESTART with CHKP
If you are using CHKP in your DL/I batch jobs and have developed procedures
for restarting that are acceptable to MVS, do not make any unnecessary changes
at this time. If your existing procedures require more than minimal conversion
effort, you should consider the use of the IMS/ESA symbolic checkpoint and IMS
GSAM. All new IMS/ESA applications should use the symbolic form instead of
the basic form of CHKP. One exception would be applications using CICS/OS
Shared Database.
Chapter 8. Databases 173