30.8 Asset Management
30.8.1 Overview
Asset management provides for managing the information technology inventory
of resources, including both physical and intellectual assets. The components
that you will use to support your workloads in the OS/390 environment all have
business attributes - just like any asset in your company - that have to be
accurately known and tracked.
30.8.2 Tasks
The required activities for asset management include:
Administrative data - inserting into the central configuration database
information such as the cost of components, their contracted maintenance
expiration date, the eligible suppliers, and so on.
Ownership assigned - controlling who is assigned as the owner of the
assets, to ensure reliable and up-to-date data.
Life cycle control - following a resource from identification as a requirement
through purchase, installation, depreciation, and finally, disposal.
Integration with the change process - this data is typically not captured
automatically, and must be gained through administrative applications. Any
means possible to ensure consistent data by interaction with other manual
or automated processes is required.
30.8.3 Methodology
This process is not as critical during a migration, since the emphasis is on
ensuring the components are defined and working properly together to support
the migrated workload. In the long run the asset information can help identify
some of the costs of running the installation, and when from a financial
standpoint it makes sense to change or upgrade components. Asset
management information can be kept in files, a database system, or a product
like TME 10 Information Management; it should be kept where it can be easily
related to the configuration data and activities mentioned earlier.
30.9 Accounting Management
30.9.1 Overview
Accounting management allows the managers of the enterprise information
system to account accurately and efficiently for system and resource usage
against the registered users of the systems. This is commonly known as
″chargeback″. If you were doing this in the VSE environment you will likely want
to continue this, so knowing where OS/390 produces accounting data and how to
get to it will be important. What is accounted for and charged back varies widely
by company.
Chapter 30. Systems Management Philosophy and Methodology 471