7.4 Submitting Jobs for Batch Execution
ICCF allows users to submit jobs for batch execution through the SUBMIT
procedure and an ICCF supplied program, DTSSUBMT. Tailoring of the SUBMIT
procedure allows the ICCF System Administrator to provide system standards for
execution and list and punch output. Listed output from the batch execution may
be viewed at the terminal using the /LISTP command provided that the output is
dispatchable and is not presently being printed by VSE/POWER. ICCF also
provides three procedures, GETL, GETP, and GETR, to retrieve list, punch or
reader queue data and store this data as ICCF members. You may use the /DQ
command of ICCF to view the VSE/POWER reader, list, and punch queue
directories, and the ICCF supplied program, DTSDA, can be used to display the
status of the DOS/VSE partitions.
In TSO/E, you can submit jobs for batch processing if your installation authorizes
you to do so. This authorization, specified as JCL, is stored in RACF or UADS
with your user attributes. If you have this authorization, the system lets you use
the four commands (SUBMIT, STATUS, CANCEL, and OUTPUT) that control the
processing of batch jobs. You can use these commands to submit a batch job,
to display the status of a batch job, to cancel a batch job, and to control the
output of a batch job. You may also use ISPF facilities to perform this work
rather than the commands TSO/E supplies. Many JES2 customers also use the
facilities provided by the System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) to control
and work with the output from batch jobs. SDSF provides a more complete
full-screen interface to batch jobs, and gives functions similar to the /CTLP and
/DQ facilities of ICCF.
When you enter the SUBMIT command, you must give the name of a data set (or
data sets) containing the batch job (or jobs). Each job consists of job control
language (JCL) statements and of program instructions and data. If you do not
specify the NONOTIFY operand, you will be notified when your batch job
terminates. TSO/E provides for system standards on submitted jobs through the
coding of a SUBMIT command exit. Through this exit, an installation can
approve, reject, or modify the JCL statements being submitted.
Any time after you submit a background job you can use the STATUS command
to have its status displayed. The display will tell you whether the job is awaiting
execution, is currently executing, or has executed but is still on the output
queue. The display will also indicate whether a job is in hold status. The STATUS
command is similar to the /STATUSP command of ICCF.
The CANCEL command cancels execution of a batch job. This command can only
be used on jobs that follow the naming convention of job names beginning with
the TSO/E user ID. There is no equivalent to this command in ICCF.
The OUTPUT command may be used to manipulate all held output, regardless of
whether the output is produced during the current LOGON session, a previous
LOGON session, or by a batch job submitted from any source.
162 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook