work, cataloged temporary, handoff, backup, transmit, master sequential,
master VSAM, and so on. File classification is a large JCL-related task done
to define the life cycle of all of the data sets. This task does not have a high
degree of difficulty but typically involves thousands of files. Each file must be
classified and this can be very time consuming.
OS/390 JCL Generation
JCL includes, JCL procedures and inline JCL streams are generated
according to standards defined for the new OS/390 environment:
File Migration
VSE data file attributes (record length, label, and so on) collected during VSE
JCL conversion are combined with OS/390 data file attributes determined
during OS/390 JCL generation, to generate VSE and OS/390 JCL streams
used to migrate VSE files to OS/390.
Each step produces a number of error and warning messages which are
systematically reviewed using specific CORTEX MS statistical analysis tools.
32.5.3 Phase 4: Initial Trial Conversion
The first mass conversion is the
Initial Trial Conversion
and occurs before
custom modification of the mass conversion tools. It is used for analysis, rather
than for generating OS/390 application material. The following mass conversions
are trial mass conversions, which deliver OS/390 test application material with
an increasing quality, as project and conversion tool customization progress.
The first trial conversion, and all following trial conversions, simulate the actual,
that is, the final, mass conversion.
The initial conversion is a conversion of a small, but representative, subset of
your VSE applications, usually involving at least part of your most important
work. This trial conversion lets the conversion team practice a conversion and
verify their understanding of the conversion tool. The first test is different and
takes longer than all the others. It may take two weeks. The last conversion may
take a day. The first is the longest because more problems are discovered.
Problems encountered during the first trial conversion are used to identify and
document additional conversion tool′s modification requirements. The conversion
tool′s custom modification is refined accordingly.
The subsequent conversions, called
trial conversions
go on for approximately six
months with a conversion being performed every three weeks. It is an iterative
process throughout the six months. Trial conversions deliver OS/390 programs,
load modules, JCL streams, and files for regression test in the OS/390
In trial conversions the conversion tool has been customized, the first supply is
taken and the JCL and the programs are converted. The next step is to look at it
and see if it worked. Is the outcome what was expected? This is initial testing.
This is the testing that occurs before the teams are brought in. Many problems
can be expected at this stage.
Mass conversions require several JES2 initiators and are CPU intensive. They
are submitted, as much as possible, at night or during weekends in order to
avoid conflicting with daily operations if any other operations are sharing the
same OS/390 system.
Chapter 32. Conversion Process 505